Summer of 2022 in upon us and it finally feels like summer this week. When you think about summer approaching and all the things you love about Devon – the #1 thing should be the community of members. Once you become a member you become an owner and unless all the owners help, Devon is nothing. Being a concrete pool that was built in 1956 every spring brings new challenges – broken walls in the pool, broken tiles, painting that needs done, chairs that need cleaned. The pool cannot open unless people show up and help.
I know I sound like a broken record and I really do hate starting the new season like this, but the turn out for all of the opportunities that have been offered has been dismal. I have sat at Devon by myself many, many hours. So when you see the hours of work days come out, please figure out a way of how you can help. We need everyone to pitch in and show up. Or to be realistic this pool will not open on May 28th – way to big of a job for a few people to do. As a reminder Devon is 100% VOLUNTEER RUN ORGANIZATION.
If you cannot find a free hour to come down and help we need donations of money as well as items. I will list these items out on the next page – but if you would like to send a donation please do so – @devoncc on Venmo and put in donations. I will use the money for one of the many projects we have to fund to get the pool open.
Thank you to everyone who has shown up and dug in- Todd Gilbert you are my hero!